• Great Day of Service
  • Flowering Cross
  • Carteret St UMC





Sunday Worship - 8:30am - nursery available

Sunday School - 9:30am

Sunday Worship - 10:30am - nursery available

Live Stream at 10:30 YouTube.com/@CarteretStreetUMC


We are glad you are interested in visiting our United Methodist congregation. You are warmly invited to come and worship with us and experience God’s grace through our time together.

We recognize that people look for God in many ways. Whether you visit in person or online, we hope you discover something here to encourage you in your spiritual journey. If you are new to The United Methodist Church, here’s  A Great Place to Get to Know Us.

Thank you for visiting our website!


Welcome to CSUMC

  • Welcome with Time and Talent link

    Welcome to Carteret Street United Methodist Church

    The mission of Carteret Street United Methodist Church is to share the Good News of Jesus Christ by growing disciples.

    The mission of the United Methodist Church is to “Make Disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.” This mission is achieved through vital congregations that equip and empower people to be Disciples of Jesus Christ.

    Time and Talent



    Looking Ahead


    Hanging of the Greens

    December 1, 6pm


    Advent Worship and Lunch

    Each Monday in Advent we will have a guest preacher for a thirty minute worship service at 12noon followed by a soup luncheon. We encourage you to attend these services.

    December 2: The Reverend Hans Hamm, Waters Edge UMC, Beaufort

    December 9: The Reverend Ben Burt, Grace UMC, Charleston

    December 16: The Reverend Terry Pfeiffer, Carteret Street UMC, Beaufort



    Chancel Choir Christmas Cantata

    December 15th, 10:30am

    Love Is Born by Lloyd Larson

    Come celebrate Christmas with the voices of our choir. A reception will

    follow in the Fellowship Hall.



    Candlelight Communion Christmas Eve Worship

    December 24th

    5pm, outside (weather permitting)

    11pm, Sanctuary