Carteret Street UMC Youth
Middle and Senior High Students: The main goal of the United Methodist Youth Fellowship (UMYF) at Carteret Street UMC is to
introduce teens to the Christian faith and guide them in being faithful followers of Jesus Christ in a safe, fun, and loving environment.
Youth programs include:
- Weekly UMYF Gatherings Sunday Evenings
- Revolution Youth Retreat in January
- Asbury Hills Spiritual Life Retreat, either in the Spring or Fall
- Reenactment of Jesus’ Walk with the Cross on Good Friday
- The Pumpkin Patch from late September through all of October
- Ushering and greeting the month of July
- Participate in the Beaufort Christmas Parade
- Other events scheduled throughout the year
Youth Sunday School
Curriculum is Bible based.
6th-12th grades
Educational Building, Room 309
March 9: Confirmation, 5:00pm followed by UMYF from 6:00-7:30pm. Bring a friend!
March 16: Confirmation, 5:00pm followed by UMYF from 6:00-7:30pm. Bring a friend!
March 23: Confirmation, 5:00pm followed by UMYF from 6:00-7:30pm. Bring a friend!
March 30: Confirmation, 5:00pm followed by UMYF from 6:00-7:30pm. Bring a friend!
April 6: Confirmation, 5:00pm followed by UMYF from 6:00-7:30pm. Bring a friend!
April 13: Palm Sunday, NO UMYF
April 17: Holy Thursday Worship, 6:00pm
April 18: Crosswalk, 11:30am
April 19: Youth to help with Easter Egg Hunt. Home of Cindy Keener. 11:00am-1:00pm.
April 20: Easter Sunday, NO UMYF
April 27: Confirmation, 5:00pm followed by UMYF from 6:00-7:30pm. Bring a friend!
Sign up to Acolyte and Crucifer!
This is an important part of Worship and a great way to serve your church. On Easter Sunday we adorn the altar, and acolytes and crucifers are needed at 8:30am and 10:30am. This is a special Sunday so we need all slots filled for both services. There are many dates for 2025 open!! Follow the link below to sign up! If you need to be trained let us know. Thank you! Sign your youth up to Acolyte/Crucifer on Sundays at the following link:
June 16-20, 2025 – 9am-12:15pm
Make plans to join us for a fun filled week of learning to serve God. We will experience stories from long ago. There will be cool music, exciting science, creative crafts, fun recreation and memorable Bible stories.
Ages 4 (4 by 9/1/2025) through 12th grade!!
Youth grades 6th through 12th will enjoy off site activities during this time!!!
Please call or email if you have any questions or concerns.