
How to Get Involved

United Women of Faith - Circles

            McLeod McAfee - 10:30am third Monday in Fellowship Hall 

            Tennessee Thomas - 7pm second Tuesday in Conference room of Wesley Building

            Susanna Wesley - 11:30am third Tuesday in Room20 of Wesley Building

            Ouida Shearouse - 11am fourth Wednesday in Fellowship Hall

United Methodist Men (UMM) second Monday at 5:45pm for dinner and program

Gray Blades - 12noon second Thursdays in Fellowship Hall - social group of active mature adults.  

Book Clubs

         Seekers - 12noon first Thursday in Fellowship Hall - bring a sandwich  2024 Reading List

         Night Owls - on Zoom 4pm third Wednesday (contact church office for link)

        (Note: July Night Owls Zoom has been changed to the 24th) 2024 Reading List

Wednesday Niters -

         5:30pm Wednesdays in Fellowship Hall - September - May Cost is $7 per adult, $4 for children with $20 family max.

Chancel Choir - 6:00pm Wednesday nights in choir room

Carillion Choir - 9:30am Mondays in Carillion Choir room (September - May) 

Lectionary Bible Discussion - 12noon in Fellowship Hall third Thursday - Bring a sandwich and Bible

Youth's ministries

Children's ministries        

Great Day of Service – April 6, 2024

Church Bazaar and Pumpkin Patch – October

Feathers for a Feast – November