Director of Children's Ministries: Melinda Ackerman
Programs for our children include Vacation Bible School, Trunk or Treat, family gatherings, workshops for special occasions and an annual Easter egg hunt.
The nursery is available during Sunday school and during worship in room 200. Children's Sunday School is located in room 300 at 9:30am.
Children's Sunday School Class
K – 5th grade - Room 300
Join us on Sunday mornings at 9:30am!
Sunday School Lesson this week:
Friends Include, Mark 2:13-17.
Children's Music & Art
All K5 through 5th graders are invited to join Debbie Bauer for music & art
activities on Wednesdays from 4:30-5:30pm. We meet in the children’s music room, 2nd floor.
Palm Sunday, April 13
Children are invited to participate in the Palm Parade.
Meet in front of the church to receive Palms and line up at 10:15am.
Holy Thursday, April 17
Worship, 6:00pm
Crosswalk Good Friday, April 18
Children and families meet at church for Crosswalk at 11:30am.
Easter Egg Hunt
Saturday, April 19, 11:00am-1:00pm. Home of Cindy Keener.
Nursery Volunteers
We need adults of all ages who love children to help in the nursery on Sundays.
Contact Melinda to serve in this ministry.
Easter Candy Needed
We are in need of individually wrapped candy, small toys and stickers to fill the Easter Eggs for our Easter Egg Hunt. If you would like to donate any of theses items, please drop them off in the Church Office. Thank you so much!
June 16-20, 2025 – 9am-12:15pm
Make plans to join us for a fun filled week of learning to serve God. We will experience stories from long ago. There will be cool music, exciting science, creative crafts, fun recreation and memorable Bible stories.
Ages 4 (4 by 9/1/2025) through 12th grade!!
Youth grades 6th through 12th will enjoy off site activities during this time!!!
Contact Melinda Ackerman for more information regarding Children’s Ministry.